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Art - Music. Visual arts. Dance. Word. Everything can find a home with us. Experiencing art as a spectator is an essential part of our culture. This form of art transmission, the tradition of showing and beholding, is perhaps the most important carrier of art culture.  Because Elise and Haroun are both musicians, our offer as a starting organization is focused on music.    (educational)also immerse yourself in art as an apprentice. Learning an art is part of being an artist. It never stops, you can always learn something somewhere. With attention to the individual process of each person, we have put together a fixed, but above all a changing range. By every person we mean not only the student, but also the teacher. You will not find fixed routes with us. With us you will find an organic approach based on communication between teacher and student. A collaboration between supervisor and developing artist. projectsconcerts, workshops, guitar lessons, open stage, Work in Progress sessions, singer-songwriter panel, .... Our idea of a project is broad. What do we use as a guideline? Art and bringing together. Which art? All art.  All our projects continue physically, we do not work with a digital offer. Our collection of projects is allowed to grow (and prune) constantly. We are open to outside ideas and offer our activities as a platform to develop projects and activities.for amateurs from shiny, absolute beginner to breathtaking, seasoned hobbyists. You can find a place with us in both our educational offer and our executive offer. We organize activities with extra attention for the residents of Berchem and Zurenborg.  en professionalsAlso those who are professionally active as artist (as a teacher, performing artist, composer, performer, ...) can find a place with us. On stage, in the audience, in the classroom. 


Elise Hermans

business leader

Haroun Iqbal

Artistic coordinator

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